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This survey is for a quantitative study on the correlation between personality traits of biological heterosexual married couples and their marital quality.  

The survey will take approximately 20-30 mins to complete, depending on your speed, your internet connectivity etc. So, please choose an appropriate time and place to complete the survey to avoid frustration. Otherwise, feel free to return the survey to Prolific.

Please note the following instructions carefully before you start the survey:

  1. Get your Prolific ID and your spouse's Prolific ID ready before you start the survey; invalid Prolific IDs will not be approved for payment.

  2. If your spouse does not have a Prolific ID, please use your Prolific ID and add the suffix "_spouse" accordingly. For example, if your Prolific ID is "AbC12345" then your spouse should use the ID "AbC12345_spouse" so that we can link both of you together.

  3. The survey is on a single webpage, so you have to complete the survey in one sitting by scrolling up and down as there is no SAVE button.

  4. Please be patient and let the webpage load. Do not  click your browser's REFRESH, BACK or FORWARD button or you will lose the data you entered previously.

  5. At the end of the survey, before you click on the SUBMIT button, check that you have entered a response for every question, otherwise nothing will happen when you click SUBMIT.

  6. If you have submitted successfully, you will receive a success message and the completion code will be displayed.

  7. Payment will be made to you and your spouse once both of you have completed your surveys. 

  8. Direct message us on Prolific if you encounter any issues. 

Thank you for participating in this survey.

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